Tuesday, July 14, 2009

C++ syntax help?

i'm trying to write a matrix class for c++, but i'm a bit rusty.

I have the following operators defined in my main program file but i'd like to include them in my header and implementation file instead. my syntax is a bit rusty but I think it should look something like this:

template%26lt;class itemType%26gt;

apmatrix%26lt;itemType%26gt; operator+(const apmatrix%26lt;itemType%26gt;%26amp; a, const apmatrix%26lt;itemType%26gt;%26amp; b)


//declare a matrix temp of type T to store the result and return this matrix

apmatrix%26lt;int%26gt; temp;


for(int i = 0; i %26lt; a.numrows(); i++)

for(int j = 0; j %26lt; a.numcols(); j++)

temp[i][j] = a[i][j] + b[i][j];

return temp;


I need to know how to change this to make it work, and what to put in my header.

the apmatrix class already has the operator = defined, but when i tried copying the similar format for my + operator in my header file i got this error:

C++ syntax help?
the plus operator is a binary not a tertiary operator - so it only takes one argument. in other words it's an operation between the current class and another parameter, so it wouldn't work with 3 things to operate on (this, a and b). Try this instead-

template%26lt;class T%26gt;

class m {

m%26lt;T%26gt; operator+(const m%26lt;T%26gt;%26amp; b) const


// use "(*this)" instead of "a"

// the function is const because it doesn't alter "this"



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